The Pinewood Derby® Cars race down a single lane, 12" tall, 40" long ramp onto a 28' long plastic track. The Pinewood Racer that travels the greatest distance is the winner! It's perfect for small groups or for an extra race after the speed race.
This type of "race"... well... it's not really a race... is more exciting to watch than races on the big track. Think about it - after 4 or 5 cars have gone down the Go the Distance Race Track and their distances have been marked on the floor, a crowd will still gather to see if the next car down the ramp will beat the cars that have already raced. Having INSTANT results in any event is always good to keep the crowd cheering! Another plus is that you can have a Snail Award. The Car that travels the shortest distance can get a
For smaller groups (20 cars or less), the Go The Distance Race Track is perfect as the only necessary track you would need for your derby. It's also great for larger groups that would like to run an extra derby race. After cars are eliminated on the regular track, the can go on to the Go The Distance track.
Using the Go The Distance Race Track as a testing track MAY CAUSE TEMPORARY BRAIN DAMAGE for a parent trying to figure out, "How do I make this car go faster?!" After making adjustments all night long, you may find yourself at sunrise, moving the car weight back a bit more, adjusting one of the wheels, trying more (or less) graphite, or anything else you can think of to get that car to move just a little bit faster and a little bit further.